Pub Games
Pub Games
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PF003 Dartboard in Case
Hand made and polished dartboard in a case with opening doors.
Complete with duster and chalk
75 x 20 x 75h mm
PF004 Dartboard on Blackboard
Dartboard mounted on a blackboard.
Complete with duster and chalk
80 x 5 x 60h mm.
PF014W Snooker/Pool Table & Cue Rack - Walnut Finish
Snooker/Pool table, with cue rack, triangle and balls, in walnut colour
150 x 100 x 65h mm
PF014M Snooker/Pool Table - Mahogany Finish
Snooker/Pool table as above, with cue rack, triangle and balls, in mahogany colour
150 x 100 x 65h mm
PF014B Snooker/Pool Table - Black Finish
Snooker/Pool table, with cue rack, triangle and balls, in black colour
150 x 100 x 65h mm
PF017 One Arm Bandit
Fruit machine on hand made stand in walnut colour, with working arm and spinning drums
55 x 45 x 150h mm
PA063 Set of Three Dice
Set of
5mm dice
PA031 Playing Cards
Set of playing cards, excellent quality, various coloured backs
9 x 8 mm approx.
PA109B Traditional Horse Shoe Game
Traditional pub/garden game set of two gold and two silver horse shoes and post, excellent quality
horse shoe 9 mm x 7mm approx. peg 27mm high
PA109G Traditional Horse Shoe Game
If you do not have enough room in your pub/garden for the full set of this traditional pub game then you can purchase one set
PA109S Traditional Horse Shoe Game
If you do not have enough room in your pub/garden for the full set of this traditional pub game then you can purchase one set
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